2.1 Introduction
The chapter basically focuses on the
review of relevant literatures which will adequately explain militant
activities in Nigeria by taking into consideration or concentrating on the
Niger Delta. There is yet not much academic work on conflict management in the
Niger Delta and also study of the Amnesty Programme That is effectively looking
at militancy and kidnapping in the Niger Delta from different perspectives.
This review is divided into five main distinct headings. The heading are
historical background of militancy and kidnapping in the Niger Delta,
implication of militancy and kidnapping in Nigeria economy, effects of
militancy and kidnapping on multi-national oil companies in Niger delta, causes
and effects of militancy and kidnapping in Niger Delta as a region, government
efforts of addressing the Niger Delta problems and then, the summary of reviews
of literature which would eventually, review by briefly touching each of the
aforementioned headings. The research posed to trace the historical background
of Militancy and Kidnapping in Niger Delta, the origin of the problem. It will
further explain the root cause of militancy and kidnapping in the Niger Delta
region. This implies that the researcher will through relevant literatures take
a curious peer into Niger Delta struggle since the inception of the
geographical expression now known as Nigeria until the research will venture
into the role of the Nigeria state in ameliorating the situation. This entails
taking effective and result oriented measures towards ensuring that the
militarization and criminality experienced in the region becomes pass history.
Lastly, the causes and effects of militancy and kidnapping in the Niger delta
as a region. It implication in Nigeria economy, and its effects on multi-national
oil companies in the Niger Delta region will be critically review in this
research. The aim therefore is to ascertain the real causes of militancy and
kidnapping in the Niger Delta that is the origin of the problem which has now
destabilized and deprived the region of her places. It effects in the region
presently and in the future will be considered.
2.1.1 Historical
background of militancy and kidnapping
The history of protects and conflicts
of acrimony by the Niger Delta people against forced union and exploitation
dates back to the period before 1957 when testimonies were in respect there of
before the Willink commission of inquiry into minority fears.
Reviewed by Unknown
11:18 AM
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